Sunday, July 17, 2022

A bit of hideousness

 Not for the squeamish!

Shortly after turning out my bedside lamp to go to sleep, I heard the cat come into the room making a big commotion.

I turned the lamp back on and found she wanted me to share in her enjoyment of having caught a mouse!

She must have been working with it for awhile because she had to toss it in the air a few times to pounce on it again and again.

She brought it right beside the bed...

...and decided to chomp it down right there.

These are the parts she doesn’t like...

Can you imagine if I hadn't been awake but got up later and stepped on these leftovers with my bare feet. Shudder at the thought!

So, I had to get up and get paper towels and spray cleaner to take care of the mess.
What to do with the assorted organs?

I flushed them down the toilet.  Ugg!