Tuesday, June 7, 2016

sss = snake

Here comes Mr. Snake...crawling our way by forming a series of "S"s with his body.

I noticed it in the backyard on my way to the bird feeder.  It startled me and I did a fancy little step backward, but we see them fairly often and I am not scared of them.
Lonnie went to look at it too, and when he turned around to walk away from it, I told him that the snake was chasing him (ha ha).  He did a couple of fancy fast steps before he realized I was kidding!

But Mr. Snake did come up to the porch...

...and disappeared underneath.

Changing the subject...Lonnie has been a painting machine!   After doing the deck rails and steps, he switched colors and painted the swing.  Bright white - so fresh and clean looking.
(It's setting on the wheelbarrow while he's painting it - not suspended in mid air)

Later in the evening we enjoyed the perfect weather, sitting out on the back porch until way past dark.
I worked on this needlepoint eyeglass case until it got too dark to see.

It was breezy and pleasant and we didn't want to go inside.

I like summer!

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