Tuesday, June 30, 2020

what? more soup?

Yep,  I don't know why, but my husband will say he wants soup for supper nearly every day of the week. Even as the weather warms up he still thinks about soup.

That's okay with me!

So, I made two soups again.

This first one is a spicy one...chicken, canned tomatillos, tomatoes,onions, jalapenos.

This one is more hearty, ham, cabbage, potatoes, onions, carrots, plus a few leftover peas.

I stocked up the freezer again with some in pint containers and some in quart containers, but I'd better start thinking about what good combination I can come up with for the next soup cooking day!

1 comment:

  1. Always have at least one type in the fridge or on the stove.
