Friday, April 3, 2015


Earlier this week I spent a few days staying with a relative at the hospital after their hip replacement surgery.
I believe it's always a good idea for a family member to be with the patient as much as possible to listen to doctor's and therapist's ask about the medications that are being make sure visitors don't drop in while the patient is "indisposed", and so forth.

The surgery went fine and the patient is on the road to recovery.

After hip replacement, the patient is not supposed to sit on a low seat...this includes the toilet. So the hospital ordered an adjustable toilet chair for the patient to take home.
They bring it to the room...but then it must be taken to your vehicle.

Imagine how funny I felt carrying this chair ...down the elevator...through the lobby...across the street...through the lobby of a doctor's building for a short cut to the parking garage...up the crowded elevator there...and finally to the car!

I can't really say that people stared, everyone politely looked away, and they were very accommodating in making room for me and " the chair" on the elevator. In fact they gave me a wide berth probably because they didn't know if it was a used chair or not!

It wasn't heavy...just a bit awkward! I had to be careful not to let the removable potty part come crashing out of the frame. That would have been an attention getter!

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