Monday, March 30, 2015

block of the month

Back in February, I posted about a "Block of the Month" quilt that ladies in my quilt group are doing.
My friend, Joan passes out instructions for a different block each month and at the end of a year we will each have enough blocks made for a quilt.

I have my February, March and now my April blocks finished (actually we are doing two blocks per month...a positive/negative pair).

Since I am making  my block sets in different colors, I made a little crayoned cheat sheet to make sure I don't end up with two of the same colored blocks next to each other.
Even though I did this and I only have  three sets made...I have already cut from the wrong fabric...geez! 

You can see by the above drawing that the blocks will have sashing between them. 
I laid them out on this tan with black print fabric to see how that would look for the sashing. I'm not sure if I like it or not.
I will be able to have a better idea as I get more blocks made.

Also I will not have enough of that light fabric in the blocks to use it in all of them. I will have to dig around to see if I have anything else that  can be used...or maybe a few different light colors to make it look like it was planned that way.
I like a lot of variety in my quilts!


  1. I don't do BOM any more, but I like the idea of your negative/positive blocks. That should be a very pretty quilt when you get them all finished.

  2. Thank you Dar, I shouldn:t be doing any more block of the month's either...since I have two other ones waiting for me to finish them!
