Monday, November 27, 2023

Thanksgiving...White Castle dressing

 It seems like every year around Thanksgiving, I hear someone mention stuffing/dressing made with White Castle hamburgers.

I've been curious about it so this year I tried out the recipe.

I made a only a half batch, using 6 burgers. To get started you take the meat and buns apart and crumble them separately. I lightly toasted the buns in the oven to add flavor.

The recipe calls for using fresh celery but I softened mine a bit by sauteing in a skillet.

It tasted okay and the texture was fine. I added enough broth to make it plenty moist.
It was fun to try but I won't make it again. 
I guess it might have been more appealing if I hadn't eaten a few White Castle burgers when I picked up the ones for the dressing. 😮

Also for Thanksgiving, I tried a mince pie for the first time. Easy with a jar of mincemeat pie filling and some granola sprinkled on top.

It was tasty.  I always remember the time when I was around 10 years old and I dropped an entire mincemeat pie to the kitchen floor by goofing off and acting like I was going to balance it on my head.  What a mess. It splattered in every direction.

This beautiful golden turkey was baked by the Sasquatch. He did a nice job with it.
Much larger of a turkey than we needed but we like plenty of leftovers.

It's a bit difficult to make only a small Thanksgiving dinner and still have lots of variety.

I did manage to scale down the quantity though.  Everything changes over time.

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