Friday, December 1, 2023

Working on that quilt

 I'm moving right along getting this quilt ready for showing at my quilt group at our Christmas gathering.

Some of the borders are on and I was considering adding a border of the print fabric laid out by the right side.  It doesn't seem exactly right but it coordinates pretty well so I'll use it for a backing instead.

I'm also sewing together a few of these blocks made with the scrap fabric I've been cutting down. I like them and they're fun to sew.

Every day the deer are up underneath the oak tree chomping down on acorns.
It was a real bumper crop of them this year. The ground is covered.

Out walking some with Puss, the cat. It's easier to go into the woods at this time of year when the greenery has died back.

I can't say that I get a lot of steps in though. Puss takes a lot of time looking everything over and smelling it thoroughly.

Inside she likes to watch bird videos on YouTube.

Eventually she ends up much to close to the TV screen.  I really doubt if she can even make out the images this close.
Time to change channels, kitty!

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