Saturday, December 16, 2023

More food, more decorating

 We celebrated Christmas at my Dad's house early this year. We've been scheduling it like this for a few years to work around travel plans. It's fun to have gatherings spaced apart over the rush and time to enjoy each one.

I had a smart plan and bought foil pans with snap on covers to take some food along for the get-together. Much easier than taking breakable casserole dishes!

Broccoli casserole, beans with bacon, green beans with red potatoes and cornbread casserole.  

I brought the pans home and washed them to re-use next year!

Macaroni salad in a plastic container. Coconut cream pie filling taken in a container then added to the pie crust when I got there.

Nice to have everyone together for a meal and conversation. No gift exchange to add stress to the day.

At home, I put more small plants in containers. This bunch to give to ladies in my quilt group. These are a type of sedum. I added the plastic berries and the Sasquatch made the small green planters (each a different design) with his 3D printer.

I put a few more Christmas decorations out.

What? What is this shadow? Is it the Batman signal?

Nope, it's only Puss.

Looks like she wants to go outside and stir up some trouble.

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