Tuesday, January 7, 2020

a quilt in the works

This quilt I am working on started as one of those clearance priced kits.  When I ordered it a few years ago, I planned to make the pattern that came with it, pictured here, but to add more borders to make a toddler sized quilt.

Back then, when I started cutting the fabric, I really started to dislike the mix of colors.  I like things colorful but these seemed to all be fighting for attention and not even coordinating that well.
Maybe that's why it was so cheap!

And that's why I had bagged it all up and stashed it in the closet to figure out later.

Well, later is now, and it's time to do something with this unfinished project.

My first idea was to use some of the fabrics and use the pattern for a 3 yard quilt like one I made last year.
That turned out just sort of okay looking so I dug around in my stash to try to see what else I could use to make it cuter.  Sashing? Borders?

What if I set the blocks on point and bordered them with this raspberry colored fabric?

I sort of liked this layout below, but there wasn't enough raspberry fabric to also fill in the edges.

What about having some blocks point left and some point right?

Getting closer...how about blocks forming a zig zag with raspberry sashing!

Nope, Puss doesn't care for this layout.

Okay then, let's try this...

Hey! This is the one! I like that it sort of forms a lattice...and that it isn't symetrical.

I sewed it all together and had enough raspberry for borders too. 

Puss approves and declares it to be comfy enough for a snooze.

I also added some stars in the sashing intersections to add a little interest.

Now it is pin basted...

...and ready for quilting.

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