Monday, March 12, 2018

signs of spring

Spring must be on it's way...

Daffodils are blooming.

My Contorted Filbert is loaded with catkins.

Birds are looking for nesting spots.  This starling came down the chimney in our bedroom. Of course we didn't realize he was up there until he had managed to shoot crap on every window and the comforter as well.  
He had wore himself out flailing around so he wasn't too hard to catch, but he seemed fine when I released him outside,  

A lone turkey made a visit to see what had been dropped under the bird feeder.  The grass is starting to look green again!

Wmart had a new display of seeds and bare root plants. I couldn't resist. 
 Zinnia and Sunflower seeds and root stock of Coneflower and Hollyhocks.

I haven't grown Hollyhocks since my first mother-in-law gave me a start of them in the early 1980's.
Seeing these made me think about her.

I opened the packages to make sure the roots looked healthy. 
They do, but one of them was a little puny.

I've never bought bare root perennials like this before. I guess I need to wait until the ground warms up before I plant them.

Maybe I'll go ahead and put them in a  flower pot indoors and let them start waking up a little.

Spring can't be too far away.

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