Friday, March 19, 2021


 We had some fairly warm temperatures lately.   I'd been waiting for a day warm enough to take a couple of houseplants outside for re-potting.

First was this "Mother-in-Law's Tongue".  It's been in this planter for a long time. These plants do like to be a bit crowded, but I was pretty sure the dirt was worn out, and it was looking top heavy too.

In order to work with it, I wrapped the leaves in plastic wrap to keep the whole thing together and prevent the leaves from sprawling around and pulling up their roots.

See how the little square planter has a lip on the edge? The clump of roots and dirt just wouldn't come out past that...and not enough room to slide a knife along there to loosen it.

I either had to destroy part of the plant or the planter.  I decided to commit flower pot murder and cracked it open with a rock.
Waaah!  A was a cute pot.  

Look at those matted roots!  It was definitely time to change it.

Well, looks like I forgot to get an "after" photo but everything went well and I only had one leaf that lost it's footing and flopped over.

Next, I turned my attention to this Aloe Vera - and realized that it, too was in a pot that narrowed at the top

It had a couple of baby plants formed at the base. After I loosened and removed them I could get my hori-hori knife in around the mama plant to remove it.

Puss, you sort of look like you're feeling stabby!

I used my broken pottery pieces to help with drainage in the bottom of the new pot.

Now I have to figure out what to do with the baby plants I removed. 
I'll find someone who wants them.

Looking up at the sky I noticed these two parallel contrails/chemtrails. Hope you can see them in the photo.

Strange, I have never noticed anything like that before.

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