Tuesday, September 22, 2020

bye bye shrubs

 We have new front windows ordered (yipee!) and the installation contract says shrubbery must be trimmed back two feet from the work area.

Looks like some work need to be done here!

The shrubs were due for a trim anyway.  But, the more I though about it, I just wanted to do away with them completely.

I don't think they were adding much beauty to the house. Especially bad, are the hollies on each corner.  They are huge things and were once nearly as tall as the house.  I had someone cut them short enough that I could reach them to trim. But, of course they always wanted to grow tall again. A lot of trimming to try to hold them back.
It was all planted too close to the house (by previous owners) anyway.  It's an easy mistake to make when the shrubs are young and small.

So, I got to work with my reciprocating saw, and in a couple of sessions had the shrubs all cut down to stumps and stacked in the front yard. The Sasquatch helped me load the trimmings onto a trailer and pulled it back to the burn pit.

Isn't this better?  Less closed in, less visual clutter.  By the way, that black spot appearing to the right of the door is dirt on my camera lens - not on the house.

Later, the Sasquatch will cut the Holly trunks down short with a chain saw and we'll dig up all the stumps and/or cut below ground level.  If that green algae on the stones doesn't dry up maybe it can be cleaned of with a light pressure wash.

Not a good time of the year to do it, but I also trimmed up this dogwood tree, which is also too close to the house - but it is staying.

Wish I would have removed the shrubs years ago!

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