Friday, January 1, 2021

winter walk in the woods

We had a nice sunny day the Sunday after Christmas...perfect for a walk outside.  It was somewhat windy but I was ready to get out of the house for awhile and away from the kitchen with all those tempting leftover holiday goodies.

I put on a warm fleece scarf and some gloves. Of course my cat, Puss, wants to make sure she doesn't miss anything so she came along with me.

We went into the woods next door....

Not too far though. I am pretty sure it's still hunting season and I've seen what happens to the deer!
Don't want to end up like that!

Puss has some funny expressions. Carefully analyzing a scent on a stick above. Below, I believe she is channeling her ferocious wild ancestors.

As far as I know she doesn't go in the woods by herself but she really enjoys going with me...smelling everything and climbing and jumping.

I didn't do a lot of actual walking...more standing and watching her. But it was nice to feel some sun on my face and get some fresh air.

Puss didn't rustle up any little animals to chase but she did find a grasshopper.  Still alive even and trying to warm up in the sun..  He was too slow moving for Puss to bother with - no challenge there.

Back in the house to clean the widdle feets and warm up at the heat vent.

Next up - a nice nap!

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