Saturday, October 30, 2021

fall color

 This view of the field beside our house has really changed over the last few years.

In all the time we have lived here it has been bush hogged regularly and sometimes hay rolled and collected there. 

The owners had it in some sort of conservation program and I assume one of the rules was to keep it from becoming over grown.   But that's over now.

I used to enjoy the view of the sun hitting the trees at the far end of the field. 

This photo from 2014...

Now it's pretty in a different way...with all the new growth and different colors and textures.

Especially on this day with the sun coming through under dark cloudy skies.

What will it look like in a few more years?

On a different subject...I have stepped up the pace on hand sewing this Tumbling Blocks quilt top. I have been working on it off and on for years but now I want to get 'er done.
It's a good take along project because it's sewn one block at a time then one strip at a time.

It's what I have been taking to sew on quilt group evenings. I don't have to lug my sewing machine and it makes it easier to get more talking to others done too...since I can hear better without the noise of the machine!

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