Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Poor Puss!

 My poor little cat has had a rough time.

Just before I left for the cruise I noticed she had some plugs of hair out of her back and a sore spot there.  I didn't think much of it, but when I got back home the next week, I found that the sore spot was infected and leaking pus.

I trimmed her fur back a bit and doused the area with peroxide and applied a bit of antibacterial ointment and the area seemed to be healing.

Then a week later I noticed more leaking...a lot. So I treated the wound again a deep puncture wound, and it seemed to improve, but, it happened again...lots of leakage and poor Puss sleeping a lot and not doing well.

Of course her regular vet was closed the next day but I was able to take her in to a different vet in town.

So yes, she had infection and fever. They gave her an antibiotic shot and cleaned up the area.  

Such an indignity...they shaved a big spot.

They sent me home with antibiotic drops and a package of treats...and a much lighter pocketbook.
A good veterinary clinic though. I'd use them again in a pinch.

Puss was good about swallowing her medicine and started healing. 
I have no idea how she got hurt.  
Something in the woods or a fight with another animal?

The Sasquatch caught this picture of a coyote with his Trail Cam.  
It's in my driveway, not far from the house.  Could it have grabbed Puss?

That little kitty better remain alert!

I'm having sort of a miserable day today.
This is what's on the menu.

Yep, colonoscopy tomorrow.  Too much information?

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