Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Ongoing storm clean up


As I mentioned before...I am lucky to have the Sasquatch willing and able to deal with clearing the downed trees from the storm.

He has worked a cycle of chain sawing trunks into smaller sections, gathering broken limbs, hauling it back to the burn pit area, then burning.
It's hard, heavy work.
I haven't been able to do much to help. It's better if I just stay out of the way.

At times there is a burn ban in our county (when it's dry or windy) so the brush can pile up a bit waiting to be burned.

No reason to be in a hurry...the wood piles will still be there waiting.

One of the broken Sassafrass turned out be be hollowed out inside. The trunk had a bunch of giant wood eating grubs inside that may have contributed to the tree damage.
(I will write about those grubs another day).

The Sasquatch saved a few of the big logs and stacked them at the rear of the field.
They look like they could be handy for something.

In fact a friend of his asked for a few of them to hollow out for a grill chimney or something like that.

The clean up continues!

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