Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Serious storm...strong winds


The weather forecast warned that we would have storms with high mile per hour winds.

That was an accurate prediction!

I was trying to take photos of the trees being blown so hard by the wind so this photo shows the "before".

Moments later the old cedar tree is snapped off and the top is on the ground.

Next, one side of the fork of the tallest Sassafras tree has broken off, and also another Sassafrass snapped off down lower.

Lots of heavy blowing rain and a bit of small hail.

A peek out the front window...a maple limb down.

It was one of the worst storms I'd ever seen.  

Finally, it was over.  Oh nice, a rainbow!

It seemed a little scary to go outside but I had to see what was damaged.
Whew, very very fortunately, no damage to home, buildings, cars...or to the newly built garage.

Much of the tree breakage was in the group of trees behind the pool shed.

Here's the stump of a Sassafras  and the top of the old cedar tree.

A poor little peach tree split in half.

More Sassafras limbs. Not far from the new garage.

A redbud tree that can't recover.

Here's the big Sassafras trunk.

A tall section of a pear tree snapped off.

It was sad and a little shocking to see the old trees broken like this.  These were all trees that were here when we moved here in 1986.

There were all sorts of other things blown into the front yard from other places...trash, a flower pot and a giant white inflatable rectangular kids pool that looked like a mattress blowing up into the yard during the storm. (the owners came looking for it).

It didn't take long to begin hearing chain saws starting up in the surrounding area.

The next morning I had to go out and look it all over again.
This is a big branch from a maple at the side of the house.

There are a few tall skinny pine trees down in a couple of places beside the other driveway.

Cleared the mess from the pool. You can see the cedar stump and a bit of all the stuff that's down back there.

It's almost impossible to believe that nothing fell on the roof of that pool shed.

I'm very fortunate to have my son, The Sasquatch, willing and able to do the major clean up here.
I will have to have the tree company back out to take down a couple of the tall damaged trees.

What a storm!

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