Monday, April 8, 2019

Why yes, these are quadruple "E"s !

Yep, I am wearing size 4E !  But it's not the good kind of's my feet.

The shoes I have been wearing for yard work and mowing these last few years were all shrunken and curled at the toes when I got them out this spring.  I thought they might soften up if I wore them awhile but instead they were pressing on my toenails and causing a problem there.

So I had to do some shoe shopping. I didn't even bother with trying on women's athletic shoes. They are all too narrow.  Actually many of the men's were too narrow for me as well...until I noticed these wide width 4E shoes.  The ugliest ones in the store, but ahhhh! Lots of toe room!  And only $14.97!


I must have inherited these feet from my dad.   He wears very wide size shoes too.

Now, since you had to listen to my shoe story, I will show a coupe of pretty photos.  Everyone has been commenting that the trees are blooming so beautifully this spring. I am sure you've noticed them too.
This is my Redbud in the back yard. There are a few blooming in the woods around us too.

Here is the dwarf apple tree also in the back yard. Just a couple of weeks ago I was doubting if it even had any life left in it.  

Within a matter of days it went from dormant to fully bloomed out like this.

Well, time to go out and start that mower and try out my lovely new shoes.

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