Monday, June 23, 2014

a walk in the park

My husband has been walking in our town's little park several times a week. It has nice walking paths that go along the Salt River.

I went with him one day last week. He said the river was higher than usual.
This river gets it's name from the natural salt deposits in this area.  A salt works was established near here in 1779...huge kettles of water would be boiled over fire pits until the water was evaporated and only salt remained. A vast surrounding area was deforested for wood to fuel the fires.

But back to the walking path...sunny in some spots, shady in others. 

They keep the park maintained but allow areas of native plants and trees to remain. 
I noticed a lot of walnut trees. I can identify them for sure by smelling the leaves which have the same smell as the walnut hulls when they are green.

These Elderberry bushes were in up the shady places.

A pleasant place to get a little exercise.

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