Friday, June 6, 2014

fun quilt group meeting day

Every summer, on our June meeting day, the Mt Washington Quilting Bees have a pot luck dinner. Everyone brings a dish to share. This time we invited ladies from a group in Fisherville, to visit with us at our meeting and share the meal. The more the merrier!

Here is the food table being set up...

I brought deviled eggs .  None were left afterwards. I am always glad to bring the container home empty!

There was a separate table for desserts and I forgot to get a photo of it. 

Before the meal we played "strip poker" . It's not what you think! We play to win each other's strips of fabric!  It is played with special dice.

One other unusual thing at our meeting...a man! One of the ladies arranged to have him come and sharpen our sewing scissors. He had to set his work table up outside since it generates a little dust.

We were told about this ahead of time so those that wanted their scissors sharpened would be sure to bring them. (we could also bring knives but not pruners or hedge clippers)

He charged $5 to do scissors. I didn't need anything sharpened but one of the other ladies said her scissors cut like new again after he worked on them.

It seems like our group has been doing everything but sewing lately!

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