Monday, March 2, 2015

roasted turkey wing drumettes

Back at Thanksgiving time, I bought a package of these turkey wing portions to cook along with the turkey, since it was a smaller size than what I usually buy. They came out really good...white meat, but not quite as dry as turkey breast meat.

After Thanksgiving I picked up a couple of marked down packages at the store and they have been in the freezer until now.

It's the top meaty portion of the wing only. They look like big chicken legs.  I put them in a ziploc bag with some oil and spices and let them marinate in the fridge for a couple of hours.

Then spread them out on a foil lined pan and baked at 350 degrees.

I wasn't sure how long it would take for them to be cooked through. I kept checking them but they did get dry on the outside by the time the inside had completely cooked (at 1 hour and 15 minutes).  If  I do this again, I would try covering them for the first half of cooking and then remove the cover to let the skin crisp up.

But they were tasty and something different to try. 
I also roasted a few chicken legs the same way, but a shorter time. Better results with those being dark meat.

We had them for Sunday dinner with mashed potatoes, green beans,cornbread casserole, and pinto beans.

I know...two kinds of beans in the same meal.   I try to make things that everyone will eat, though.

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