Wednesday, August 13, 2014

veggies from the garden

We are getting enough vegetables from our gardens to make it fun...and also learning what we will do differently next year.

Lonnie is harvesting huge and delicious tomatoes...but the plants seem to be tuckering out. I think the blight shriveling the leaves caused them to stop producing. There are still tomatoes on the vines to ripen...but no more have formed.

The green onions aren't worth the trouble.

I picked that last zucchini and then just pulled up the plant to give room for other stuff. It would bloom but when the blooms fell off no zucchinis would form.

I got exactly one far.

Potatoes! I was curious so I dug up one plant. I found those 3 potatoes shown above. They look a little rough because the skin got blasted off when they were washed with the hose.
I am going to wait until the vines wilt before I dig up the rest of them.  Then I will decide if I'll plant them again next year.

This is my second butternut squash. The first one is still on the vine's beginning to turn more of a tan color so I will probably pick it soon.

Lonnie has some green pepper plants that are doing better now that the tomato plants aren't shading them from the sun so much...about 5 plants with a couple of peppers on each one. We'll see how those turn out.

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