Tuesday, September 29, 2015

around the yard

There are more interesting and colorful plants growing wild around the edges of the yard, than I have in the flower beds.

Poke berries in all stages.  I know I have talked about them before, but every time I see them I have to stop and admire their outrageous colors.

They start out with bright lime green berries on fuchsia stems...

Then as the berries ripen, they turn deep purple. 

Here are velvety sumac berries. Most are dried up now, with the seed clusters dry and darker.

Their leaves turn a beautiful bright red.   I would like to get a stand of these established back in the field.  Wonder if they grow easily by planting the berries? I need to look up some info.

These gorgeous red berries are on the dreaded invasive honeysuckles.  Birds eat them, and of course, spread seeds with their droppings.

These next two photos are seed pods on a low growing plant.  Does anyone know what these are? It's growing at the edge of the woods, but stretching out toward the light.
It's probably something else invasive - it seems like plants that put off that many seeds are usually the kind that cause a problem.

And while you are at it...can you identify this tree by these winged seed clusters?  Is it a type of Ash?

Same tree. I should have taken a better picture of the leaves.

There is still plenty of our state flowers blooming...Goldenrods.

And these are wild asters reaching out of the woods to try to catch some sun.

I'd like to have those in the flower bed but it would probably kill them to dig them up. I'll just admire them where they're growing.


  1. The red berried bush looks like Asian Bush Honeysuckle. I've found it very invasive. Note it is allelopathic like the daikon radish... Not a good neighbor.

    1. That's definitely it. I read the links...it's a bad guy for sure.

      Also have the climbing vine type honeysuckle in the woods. It's bad too...climbs to the top of trees and covers and smothers them.

  2. http://www.duboisswcd.org/dcswcd/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=85

  3. http://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/info/allelopathic-plants.htm
